The Civil Division is responsible for providing legal services to the officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions, and instrumentalities of State government. The State Solicitor is appointed by the Attorney General and reports through the Chief Deputy Attorney General.
Fraud & Consumer Protection:
The Fraud and Consumer Protection Division protects the public from securities fraud, consumer fraud, Medicaid provider fraud, antitrust violations, tobacco enforcement, white collar crime and misleading or deceptive business practices.
The Criminal Division of the Department of Justice is responsible for the prosecution of criminal cases throughout the State from misdemeanors to murders. Its mission is to represent the State in criminal cases, and in so doing safeguard the human rights of victims and their families and the constitutional rights of defendants.
Civil Rights & Public Trust:
Former Attorney General Matt Denn created the Office of Civil Rights and Public Trust in January 2015 to provide legal firepower to ensure that these important issues are addressed and to provide a point of contact for members of the public. In 2020, Attorney General Kathy Jennings successfully advocated for legislation elevating the Office to a permanent Division of Civil Rights and Public Trust.
The primary goals of the Delaware Department of Justice are to provide quality legal services to the public and State agencies and to enforce the laws of the State in a fair, just and effective manner.
If you are a hard working individual with a “can do” attitude and want to be part of a high-performing, fast-paced Department with a tradition of excellence, we may have a position for you! Join us and help make a difference. You can submit an online application, or via email at Anyone wishing to work at the Department of Justice in any capacity (including volunteers and interns) must complete a DOJ Employment Application. Candidates for all positions must have a satisfactory criminal background check. Anything other than routine traffic violations may preclude you from obtaining a position with the Department. Once submitted, your application will be retained for six months.
The Delaware Department of Justice is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
- Medicaid Fraud: 1-302-577-5000
Attorney General Opinions
Visitors to this webpage may access Attorney General Opinions issued from 1995 to present. Most of the Opinions during that period relate to disputes concerning access to “public records” under, and/or alleged violations of the “open meetings” provisions of, Delaware’s Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”).
Attorney General Kathy Jennings is committed to open and accessible government. In 1977, the General Assembly passed Delaware’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to ensure that government be open and accountable to the people.
Use of Force Reports
The Division of Civil Rights and Public Trust (“DCRPT”) is charged with investigating law enforcement officer involved shootings for the Department of Justice. DCRPT’s investigation serves a specific but limited purpose – to determine whether a law enforcement officer’s use of force constitutes a criminal act. DCRPT does not establish or enforce internal police policies concerning the proper use of force by law enforcement officers. Law enforcement agencies are responsible for establishing and enforcing guidelines for the use of force by their officers and for determining whether an officer’s actions were consistent with such guidelines in a given case.
View, complete, download, and submit the latest versions of our forms. DOJ forms are free and organized by the Division or Unit they fall under. We have an array of useful forms from complaint forms about businesses, to agreement forms to mediate issues within a homeowners’ association, and more.
Pursuant to Delaware Code Title 11 Section 1441, as of July 11, 2003, Delaware law allows residents of other states who have been issued a concealed deadly weapon license or permit by certain other states to lawfully carry concealed deadly weapons in Delaware if the state is on the below list of reciprocating states and the person is visiting or traveling through Delaware.
Common Interest Community Ombudsperson
The General Assembly created the Office of the Ombudsperson for the Common Interest Community in the Department of Justice in August 2014. The purpose of the Office is to assist members of residential “common interest communities” to understand their rights and responsibilities and where possible, to resolve disputes without use of the judicial system.
Nuisance Abatement
When the Delaware Department of Justice abates a “criminal nuisance,” it eliminates the presence of illegal drugs, illegal guns, violent felonies, criminal gang activity, or prostitution on a property. To do this, the Department not only prosecutes the criminals responsible for these crimes, it holds property owners financially accountable by filing a civil lawsuit against them for the harm they have inflicted on the community.
Manufactured Housing
The Consumer Protection Unit (“CPU”) of the Delaware Department of Justice has enforcement authority over violations of the Manufactured Home Owners and Community Owners Act (Title 25, Chapter 70, Subchapter I) (the “Home Owners Act”). Homeowners and/or tenants who believe their community owner/landlord has committed a violation of the Home Owners Act should submit a complaint to CPU, which they can obtain here. CPU represents the State of Delaware in protecting the consuming public. Delaware law does not allow our office to provide tenants with legal advice or private representation in lease disputes or in breach of contract cases. However, because CPU may take enforcement action if a landlord engages in a pattern or practice of violating the lease terms required by the Home Owners Act, a tenant should file a complaint with CPU even in private dispute or breach of contract cases so CPU can maintain the data for its records. If similar complaints are made by multiple residents, it may rise to a pattern or practice for which CPU may take enforcement action. Complaints about rent increases, which are governed by Subchapter III of Chapter 70, Title 25 (“Rent Justification Act”) are not within the enforcement authority of CPU. The Rent Justification Act mandates that tenants who have a basis to dispute an increase in their lot rent do so through the arbitration process.
Delaware Department of Justice
About The Office
Delaware's Attorney General, the State's chief law enforcement officer, has broad responsibility to combat crime, safeguard families, fight fraud, and protect consumers in the First State. In meeting this mission, Attorney General Matt Denn is supported by a leadership team consisting of the Chief Deputy Attorney General, State Prosecutor, State Solicitor, and directors of the Family Division, Fraud & Consumer Protection Division, and the Office of Civil Rights & Public Trust. Each of the more than 450 staff who work in the Office of the Attorney General are committed to the goal of serving all Delawareans with integrity and dedication. Deputy Attorneys General, with critical support from criminal investigators, social workers, paraprofessionals, and administrative staff, prosecute criminal cases, enforce consumer laws, provide counsel to state agencies, ensure the public's access to open government, protect the abused, and much more.
This website is your portal to learn how the Attorney General's Office works, access forms for reporting fraud, read consumer alerts and press releases, find tips and tools to keep your family safe and secure, and find useful links to government and community services.
Delaware's Attorney General
About Attorney General Kathy Jennings
Attorney General Kathy Jennings was sworn in on January 1, 2019 and serves as Delaware’s 46th Attorney General.
Born and raised in Wilmington, Kathy graduated from Mount Pleasant High School, University of Delaware, and Villanova University Law School, before joining the Delaware Department of Justice.
As a prosecutor for the Delaware Department of Justice, Kathy prosecuted scores of domestic violence, sexual assault and homicide cases. She worked with fellow prosecutor Pete Letang, the FBI, New Castle County, and Delaware State Police to identify, arrest and prosecute a serial killer who tortured and murdered five women. This case marked the first time that DNA analysis was admitted into evidence in a Delaware Court.
After years of service in the office, Kathy was named Delaware State Prosecutor and later went on to serve as Chief Deputy Attorney General for the Delaware Department of Justice under Attorney General Charles Oberly. While serving as Chief Deputy Attorney General, Kathy worked with Deputy Attorney General Tom McGonigle and Consumer Advocate Mary McDonough to create the Consumer Fraud Division, giving consumers strong protections against fraud and abuse.

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Related Topics: About the Office, Attorney General, Attorney General Opinions, FOIA, Kathy Jennings, Public Topic Page