
Delaware Department of Justice
Attorney General
Kathy Jennings

Attorney General's Opinions

03-IB21 Re: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against New Castle County

Date Posted: Monday, October 6th, 2003

The Complainant alleged that New Castle County (“the County”) violated FOIA by not providing the names, addresses, and policy numbers of insurance carriers which underwrite public official coverage for the County. The County contended the requested information is exempt from disclosure under FOIA for two reasons: (1) “the [insurance] coverage information in the policy contains confidential information or financial details”; and (2) the information “falls within the pending or potential litigation exception.” Held: County did not violate the public records requirements of FOIA by refusing to provide documents that contain the names and addresses of insurers and the insurance policy numbers because the records containing such information fall within the potential litigation exception under FOIA.

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03-IB20: Re: F.O.I.A. Complaint Against Town of South Bethany

Date Posted: Wednesday, September 3rd, 2003

The Complainant alleged that the Town of South Bethany (“the Town”) violated FOIA by: (1) holding a meeting on November 8, 2002 for a purpose not authorized by law; and (2) holding a meeting on November 18, 2002 without sufficient advance notice to the public. Held: the Town violated FOIA by: (1) meeting in executive session on November 8, 2002 under an agenda item listed as “personnel” when in fact the Town discussed another matter that FOIA authorizes for discussion in executive session; and (2) by amending the agenda for the November 18, 2002 meeting without explaining the reason for the delay in posting an amended agenda.

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03-IB16 08/08/03 FOIA Opinion Letter to Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Maher re: FOIA Complaints Against Town of Slaughter Beach

Date Posted: Friday, August 8th, 2003

The Complainants alleged that the Town of Slaughter Beach (“the Town”) violated FOIA by discussing matters of public business at a meeting on July 1, 2003 without the required notice to the public. The Town contends that it satisfied the notice requirements of FOIA by posting the notice and agenda for the July 1, 2003 special meeting three days in advance of the meeting. Held: the Town did not violate FOIA by publishing the notice for a special meeting on July 1, 2003 three days in advance since FOIA permits notice for special meetings to be less than seven days (but not less than 24 hours) when there is good reason.

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03-IB17: F.O.I.A. Complaint Against Town of Odessa

Date Posted: Thursday, July 31st, 2003

The Complainants alleged that the Town of Odessa (“the Town”) violated FOIA by discussing matters of public business at a meeting on June 2, 2003 without the required notice to the public. Held: the Town violated the public notice requirements of FOIA by discussing a substantial matter of public business at the June 2, 2003 meeting without adequate notice to the public. To remediate the violation and invalidation of the June 2 vote, the Town was directed to notice a meeting in strict compliance with FOIA to be held within thirty (30) days to discuss the forfeiture issue in public before taking any official action.

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03-IB13: F.O.I.A. Complaint Against New Castle County

Date Posted: Monday, June 2nd, 2003

The Complainant alleged that New Castle County (“the County”) did not provide access to public records within a reasonable time. Held: the time it took the County to respond was not unreasonable under the circumstances. The request for documents pertaining to a $230,000 transfer from the Executive Contingency Fund to the County Law Department was reasonably specific and those documents are public records under FOIA.

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03-IB11 Re: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against City of Newark

Date Posted: Monday, May 19th, 2003

The Complainant alleged that the City of Newark (“the City”) violated FOIA by meeting via an exchange of e-mails without notice to the public or an opportunity for the public to participate. Held: the City violated FOIA when, in an exchange of e-mails over the course of March 13-14, 2002, the City’s Nominating Committee discussed public business without notice to the public and without an opportunity for the public to observe.

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03-IB10 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against New Castle County

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 6th, 2003

The Complainant alleged that New Castle County (“the County”) violated FOIA by denying you access to documents regarding the Red Lion Village subdivision. The County claims that the documents you requested are not subject to FOIA for two reasons: (1) they pertain to “pending litigation” before the County Planning Board; and (2) they pertain to “potential litigation” because any decision by the Planning Board could be appealed to court. Held: the documents requested from the County are not “public records” for purposes of FOIA because they are within the exemption for pending litigation.

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03-IB09: F.O.I.A Complaint Against Christina School District

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 6th, 2003

The Complainant alleged that the Christina School District (“the School District”) violated FOIA by (1) not providing the public seven days’ notice of a meeting on February 26, 2003; and (2) going into executive session at that meeting for a purpose not authorized by law. Held: the School District did not violate FOIA by posting notice of the February 26, 2003 special meeting less than seven days in advance; and (2) the School District did not violate FOIA by going into executive session because it discussed personnel matters authorized by law.

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03-IB05: F.O.I.A. Complaint Against Town of Fenwick Island

Date Posted: Wednesday, February 5th, 2003

The Complainant alleged that the Town of Fenwick Island (“the Town”) violated FOIA by; (1) failing to prepare timely minutes of the Town Council; (2) meeting without notice to the public sometime in November 2002 to hire Glenn Hudson for six months as officer-in-charge of the Town police department; and (3) meeting on November 22, 2002 in executive session to discuss subjects not authorized by FOIA. Held: the Town did violate FOIA by failing to prepare timely minutes. The Town did not violate FOIA as follows: (1) Town Council did not meet without notice to the public to discuss the term of Glenn Hudson’s contract in November 2002; (2) Town Council provided adequate public notice of a special meeting held on November 22, 2002; and (3) Town Council met in executive session on November 22, 2002 for a purpose authorized by statute.

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03-IB03: F.O.I.A. Complaint Against Town of Fenwick Island

Date Posted: Tuesday, January 21st, 2003

The Complainant alleged that the Town of Fenwick Island (“the Town”) violated the open meeting requirements of FOIA by not allowing him to speak at a meeting of the Town Council on November 15, 2002. Held: the Town violated the open meeting requirements of FOIA at the November 15, 2002 Council meeting by: (1) restricting public comment to Town property owners, and then allowing some non-property owners but not you to comment on the proposal to hire Glenn Hudson as the officer-in-charge of the Town police department; and (2) by failing to prepare minutes of that meeting reflecting the vote, by individual members of the Council, to hire Mr. Hudson.

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