96-IB17: FOIA-Town of Millsboro
The Complainant alleged that the Millsboro Town Council improperly conducted a public business following a public meeting without notice. The Town Council held a regularly scheduled meeting, properly noticed, during which they discussed purchasing a piece of property. The decision was put off but an hour after the meeting was adjourned, the Council reconvened and voted on an amount to offer on the property. The public was polled over the phone on whether they would support such an offer. Another meeting was held the next month during which the purchase was publicly discussed and voted on. Held: the reconvening and vote following the adjournment of the public meeting was in violation of the Freedom of Information Act, this violation was cured with the public vote during the next meeting. The telephone poll of residents was not in violation of FOIA as there was no gathering and no action was taken.
Read More96-IB15: FOIA-Town of Georgetown-Final Written Determination
Complainants alleged twenty-one violations of the Freedom of Information Act by the Georgetown Town Council. Held: the Council violated the Act multiple times by failing to provide reasons why agendas were not posted in the required timeframe. The Council violated the Act by failing to timely post notices of meetings, failing to keep proper minutes and failing to post agendas. The Council violated the Act by failing to include reasons why certain agendas were not posted on time. However, when reasons were given, there are no requirements governing how specific the reasons must be. The Council also violated the Act by not listing certain items on the agenda which were put up for a vote during the meeting, including the hiring by “resolution” of special counsel to the Council. This office specifically finds that in order for a public body to ratify illegal acts, that the former illegal acts and/or action taken by the Town Council in previous public meetings and hearings, must be listed on the agenda and public notice for the meeting in order to provide notice to the public as to what items are being ratified in open session.
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