
Delaware Department of Justice
Attorney General
Kathy Jennings

Attorney General's Opinions

95-IB26 Freedom of Information Act Complaint 29 Del. C. ' 10005(e)

Date Posted: Tuesday, August 15th, 1995

The Complainant alleged that the Town Council of Georgetown violated the Freedom of Information Act when it did not include the eviction of the town Chamber of Commerce from the town hall on the June agenda but did vote on the matter as additional business. A special meeting was held two months later to vote on the eviction again, in compliance with FOIA, with the same vote. Held: although there was an initial violation, the subsequent meeting ratified the actions of the first meeting and made the matter moot.

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95-IB22 07/31/95 FOIA Opinion Letter to The Honorable Darrell J. Minott re: FOIA Complaint Concerning Meeting of Governor's Council On Equal Employment Opportunity

Date Posted: Monday, July 31st, 1995

Requestor sought an opinion on whether the Governor’s Council on Equal Employment Opportunity was permitted to meet privately with invited guests. The Council was established by Executive Order and its members were appointed by the Governor or the Human Relations Commission. It is not statutorily exempted from the Freedom of Information Act and is supported, at least in part, by public funds. Held: the Council on Equal Employment Opportunity is a Public Body as defined by FOIA and must abide by the open meeting requirements therefore, private meetings with invited guests are not permitted. However, the Council is permitted to go into Executive Session as permitted by statute.

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95-IB20: Re: Freedom of Information Act Complaint 29 Del. C. § 10005(e)

Date Posted: Thursday, June 15th, 1995

The Complainant alleged that administrative-staff meetings held by the school district should be considered public meetings because school board members were present. The district argued that only two board members were now present at the meetings, not a quorum, and that those members were not appointed to a subcommittee or special ad hoc committee. Held: if the board members make any formal or informal, express or implied recommendations to the full Board based upon any action proposed at the administrative-staff meetings, they would be considered a subcommittee and subject to open meetings requirements. However, based upon current facts, there is no violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

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95-IB24 Louis A. Irion, Jr. – June 7, 1995 Freedom of Information Act Complaint

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 7th, 1995

The Complainant alleged that the City of New Castle failed to respond to his request for documents. Complainant requested information on the status of public walkways taken for private use. Held: the description of the documents sought was not sufficient to allow the City to locate such records, the request lacked specificity and was not a permissible request and there was no violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

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95-IB15 Freedom of Information Act Complaint Mayor and Council of City of New Castle 29 Del. C. ' 10005(e)

Date Posted: Friday, March 24th, 1995

The Complainant alleged a violation of the Freedom of Information Act’s open meeting requirements when the City of New Castle posted a revised agenda the day of a public meeting but did not provide a reason in the agenda for the delay. The open meeting was held to discuss a proposed ordinance. The City argued that an administrative oversight is not a substantive violation of FOIA. Held: failure to state a reason for delay in posting an agenda is a violation of FOIA. The city must issue a new ordinance in compliance with FOIA.

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95-IB13: Re: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Milford, Woodbridge, Indian River, Seaford and Laurel School Districts 29 Del. C. § 10005(e)

Date Posted: Monday, March 20th, 1995

The Complainant alleged that Seaford, Indian River, Laurel, Woodbridge and Milford School Districts improperly refused to provide the names and salaries of all district teachers. The districts provided the salaries, but not names, of the teachers. Held: there is no statutory exemption that prevents the disclosure of public school districts’ teachers’ names and salaries.

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95-IB37: RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint 29 Del. C. § 10005(e)

Date Posted: Wednesday, March 8th, 1995

The Complainant alleged that the “breakfast meetings” described in AG Opinion 95-IB04 continued to be held. A discussion of suggestions for betterment of the school system is considered public business. Because a quorum of the Board was present, the breakfast meetings should be considered public meetings within the meaning of the statute. Counsel for the school board noted that the board will not hold breakfast meetings any more but, if they do, a quorum will not be present. Held: if a quorum of a subcommittee is present and makes recommendations to the full board, it is considered a public body under the Freedom of Information Act and must abide by open meeting requirements.

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95-IB12: Re: Freedom of Information Act Committee on Massage/Bodywork Practitioners

Date Posted: Tuesday, March 7th, 1995

The Requestor, the Director of the Division of Professional Regulations, sought clarification on which components of applications for licensure should be released under the Freedom of Information Act. Held: Criminal records, including those submitted by the applicants, cannot be released. The rest of a licensure applicant’s application should be provided.

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95-IB11 02/14/1995 AG Opinion Letter to Iva J. Boardman re: Holdover Nursing Board Members After Expiration of Term

Date Posted: Tuesday, February 14th, 1995

PRINT VERSION: Attorney General Opinion No. 95-IB11

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95-IB09 Re: Apprenticeship Documents Under FOIA

Date Posted: Monday, February 13th, 1995

The Requestor sought clarification on whether apprentice agreements, which contain personal information such as name and salary of apprentices, should be released under the Freedom of Information Act. Each agreement was stamped that it could not be disclosed without permission. Held: this stamp created an expectation of privacy that would not typically be applied to names and salaries. Therefore, the agreements should not be released pursuant to the exception for “any personnel, medical or pupil file, the disclosure of which would constitute an invasion of personal privacy, under this legislation or under any State or federal law as it relates to personal privacy.” 29 Del. C. 10002(l)(1). However, if this stamp is removed from the agreements, the records should be provided under FOIA.

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