
Delaware Department of Justice
Attorney General
Kathy Jennings

Attorney General's Opinions

06-IB26 – RE: Freedom of Information Complaint Against Source Water protection Citizen and Technical Advisory Committee

Date Posted: Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

Complainant alleged that a committee established by the Sussex County Council, the Source Water Protection Citizen and Technical Advisory Committee, violated the open meeting requirements of FOIA by (i) meeting twice without posting an agenda seven days in advance; and (ii) not preparing minutes of those meetings. HELD: The Committee’s failure to post an agenda or prepare minutes violated FOIA. In remediation, Committee ordered to include on the agenda for its next public meeting the minutes of the earlier meetings, and to have sufficient copies available to hand out to the public at its next scheduled meeting.

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06-IB23 – RE: Freedom of Information Complaint Against Wilmington Housing Authority

Date Posted: Monday, November 27th, 2006

Complainant alleged that the Wilmington Housing Authority violated the public records requirements of FOIA when the Authority failed to disclose emails that may have been sent by its Executive Director to any employee of the Authority on specified days or during specified weeks. The Authority responded that the Authority’s email system does not store electronic messages beyond a 90-day period. Therefore, the requested documents could not be provided since the emails requested were older than 90 days. The Authority provided an affidavit from its Chief Of Information Technology for evidence of this fact. HELD: The Authority did not violate FOIA because the emails requested by Complainant do not exist.

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06-IB24 – RE: Freedom of Information Complaint Against Camden-Wyoming Sewer & Water Authority

Date Posted: Monday, November 27th, 2006

Complainant alleged that the Camden-Wyoming Sewer & Water Authority violated the public record requirements of FOIA when it failed to provide the “total amount of monies expended in the research, filing and pursuit” of litigation failed by the Authority against the Town of Camden. The Authority responded by providing a copy of the stipulated settlement agreement and order. The authority’s attorney also responded by noting that she did not separately bill the authority for time spent on the lawsuit and that no separate record of billing for the matter existed. HELD: The Authority did not violate FOIA because it did not have in its custody an accounting of the costs of legal counsel in the litigation, and FOIA does not require the Authority to prepare such an accounting.

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06-IB24 – RE: Freedom of Information Complaint Against Camden-Wyoming Sewer & Water Authority

Date Posted: Monday, November 27th, 2006

Complainant alleged that the Camden-Wyoming Sewer & Water Authority violated the public record requirements of FOIA when it failed to provide the “total amount of monies expended in the research, filing and pursuit” of litigation failed by the Authority against the Town of Camden. The Authority responded by providing a copy of the stipulated settlement agreement and order. The authority’s attorney also responded by noting that she did not separately bill the authority for time spent on the lawsuit and that no separate record of billing for the matter existed. HELD: The Authority did not violate FOIA because it did not have in its custody an accounting of the costs of legal counsel in the litigation, and FOIA does not require the Authority to prepare such an accounting.

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06-IB22 – RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Sussex County Council

Date Posted: Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Complainant alleged that the Sussex County Council violated the open meeting requirements of FOIA by meeting in executive session for purposes not authorized by FOIA. HELD: (i) Council violated FOIA when it met in executive session to discuss which of two consulting firms to hire because independent contractors are not prospective employees for purposes of FOIA. Therefore the “job applicant” exemption does not apply. (ii) Council did not violate FOIA when it met in executive session to discuss prospective candidates for the positions of Director of Accounting and Budget Manager. The “job applicant” exemption applied to this discussion. Additionally, the exemption for executive session does not turn on whether the public body or another person had the authority to hire for the positions because the purpose of the exemption is to protect the individual privacy of the prospective public employee. No remediation required for first FOIA violation because the public was substantially involved in the process by which the Council awarded the contract to one of the two consultants.

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06-IB21 Re: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Wilmington Housing Authority

Date Posted: Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Complainant alleged that the Wilmington Housing Authority violated the public records requirements of FOIA by failing to disclose “all reports, studies and documents” pertaining to an apartment building fire. The Authority declined the request, stating that the records were exempt from disclosure due to the pending or potential litigation exemption. HELD: Potential or pending litigation exemption not applicable because there was no evidence in the record to suggest that complainant or The News Journal was attempting to use FOIA to obtain information as a prelude to a lawsuit against the Authority.

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06-IB20: Re Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Christina School District Board of Education

Date Posted: Monday, September 11th, 2006

Complainant alleged that the Christina School District Board of Education violated the open meeting requirements of FOIA by meeting twice in private at an open meeting to discuss matters of public business without notice to the public. HELD: The facts show that, collectively, five Board members participated in the two meetings with the Superintendent to discuss reductions in force and tax warrants. This amounted to a constructive quorum for purposes of FOIA because the meetings were scheduled only a few hours apart, the subjects discussed were the same, and the School Board acknowledges the meetings went beyond the mere passive receipt of information.

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06-IB18: Re: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Town of Smyrna

Date Posted: Tuesday, September 5th, 2006

Complainant alleged that the Town of Smyrna violated the open meeting requirements of FOIA by (i) not providing timely notice to the public of a special meeting of the Town; and (ii) not disclosing in the agenda for the meeting that the Council would discuss appointing a Vice Mayor. HELD: (i) the notice of the public meeting violated FOIA by failing to explain why a special meeting was required without providing 7 days notice; and (ii) the agenda violated FOIA b/c it did not indicate that the Town would be discussing the appointment of a Vice Mayor at the special meeting.

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06-IB19 – RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against NNC Council Economic Development Subcommittee

Date Posted: Tuesday, September 5th, 2006

Complainant alleged that the New Castle County Council Economic Development Subcommittee violated the open meeting requirements of the FOIA by denying her the opportunity to speak at a public meeting. HELD: FOIA does not require a public body to permit public comments. The subcommittee never opened up the meeting for public comment, nor did it discriminate as between individual members of the public based on their viewpoint.

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06-IB17 Re: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against State Public Integrity Commission

Date Posted: Monday, August 21st, 2006

Complainant alleged that the State Public Integrity Commission violated FOIA by denying him access to lobbying expense reports and financial disclosure reports of public officials in electronic form. HELD: Under FOIA, a public body cannot respond to a request for information in electronic form by supplying paper records containing the same information. FOIA’s public records definition is broad, and an agency cannot withhold public records from disclosure simply b/c the records were created voluntarily, nor can it argue that disclosure is not required because no statute requires the creation/maintenance of the record. An existing electronic database is a public record separate and distinct from the underlying records used to compile the database. Additionally, records in the custody of private vendors but accessible by the public body are subject to disclosure under FOIA. However, FOIA does not require the creation of a record in a specialized format specified by the requesting party. FOIA does not require the public body to convert hard copies onto a CD either. FOIA only requires the public body to make the hard copy reports available to a requesting party for photocopying or scanning.

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