
Delaware Department of Justice
Attorney General
Kathy Jennings

Attorney General's Opinions

10-IB05 06/14/10 FOIA Opinion Letter to Ms. Rush re: FOIA Complaint Concerning Ocean View

Date Posted: Monday, June 14th, 2010

Complainant asserts Town violated FOIA by charging an excessive amount for town related emails that were on the Mayor’s home computer. The Town informed Complainant that it would charge $1,875 for a contractor to retrieve the documents because the Town did not have an employee who could provide this service. HELD: Town did not overcharge for the FOIA request. Public body may choose to employ services of a private contractor to respond to FOIA requests so long as decision to do so is reasonable.

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10-IB04 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Christina School District

Date Posted: Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

Complainant asserts that District failed to post agenda for meeting and to keep meeting minutes. District agreed that no agenda was posted and no minutes were taken. District committed to posting agendas and keeping minutes going forward.

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10-IB03 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Ocean View

Date Posted: Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Complainant asserts that town violated FOIA open meetings requirements related to (1) adequacy of notice of executive session on agenda; 92) exclusion of town manager from executive session and (3) whether matters discussed were appropriate for executive session. The agenda listed “Executive Session to Discuss Contract and Personnel Issues.” Complainant asserts that he believed the executive session topic related to the town manager employment contract. However, the executive session related to the Chief of Police contract. Agenda does not have to give full explanation of topics or names when confidential personnel matters will be discussed. HELD: Notice was adequate, employment contract negotiation matters are appropriate subject for executive session and FOIA does not address whether Counsel can exclude town manager from executive session.

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10-IB02 01/25/10 FOIA Opinion Letter to Ms. McCoy re: FOIA Complaint Concerning the Town of Bethel

Date Posted: Monday, January 25th, 2010

Complainant asserts that Town violated FOIA open meetings requirements when it held executive session to discuss subdivision applications. Town’s agenda properly posted and noticed the executive session but did not state the purpose. Town asserted that executive session was for purpose of receiving legal advice. After going into executive session and receiving legal advice, the Council discussed the applications for about an hour and voted on the applications before coming out of executive session. They re-voted at the public continued public meeting. Meeting minutes did not reflect legal advice. HELD: Executive Session was held for the proper purpose of receiving legal advice. However, Council violated FOIA by not listing the purpose of the executive session on the agenda, discussing applications during executive session and not properly reflecting legal advice in minutes.

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10-IB01 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against City of Wilmington

Date Posted: Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Complainant asserts City violated FOIA’s open records requirements by denying FOIA request for documents relating to the City Water Department on the basis of “potential litigation.” City asserted that conversations with Complainant made City believe Complainant would file suit against the City as the documents are released. City provided no other reasons for FOIA denial. HELD: City violated FOIA because they provided no evidence of a “realistic and tangible threat of litigation” characterized by objective factors in support of the FOIA denial.

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09-IB10 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Town of Dewey Beach

Date Posted: Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Complainant asserts Town violated FOIA by privately (i) discussing whether to accept certain funds from DelDot; (ii) going into executive session to discuss transferring capital improvement funds to a litigation defense fund; and (iii) refusing to permit public comment at public meeting/ Town asserts (i) Town Manager and not Town Commission has authority to determine whether to accept funds and that Town Manager’s request for individual input from Commissioners does not constitute private meetings in violation of FOIA; (ii) executive session was properly noticed and for a proper purpose; (iii) Mayor’s refusal to accept public comment at meeting did not violate FOIA; HELD: (i) FOIA does not apply to Town Manager who had authority to accept or reject DelDot Funds; (ii) executive session was properly noticed and discussion of litigation resources was proper for executive session; (iii) FOIA provides no right for the public to speak at a public meeting.

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09-IB07 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Town of Smyrna

Date Posted: Friday, November 6th, 2009

Complainant asserts Smyrna violated FOIA’s open records requirements by not providing copies of records of the Town Ethics Commission concerning a complaint against him. Town provided notes from two meetings but provided no other records. Town asserts, among other things, that Smyrna’s Code of Conduct provides for the confidentiality of the Ethics Committee’s records and that the complaint is exempt from FOIA as a record specifically exempted from disclosure by statute or common law. HELD: Smyrna did not violate FOIA because Town’s Code of Conduct provided FOIA exemption by statute.

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09-IB06 RE: Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) Complaint Against Townsend, Delaware

Date Posted: Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

Complainant asserts that Townsend violated FOIA’s open records requirements by not providing a copy of complaint asserted against her family and because the Mayor had promised her a copy. Townsend asserts that the complaint is exempt from FOIA because it is part of an investigatory file. HELD: Townsend did not violate FOIA by not providing the complaint. Townsend has a public interest in preserving confidentiality of law enforcement files to avoid a chilling effect on those who might bring pertinent information to the attention of law enforcement. Doctrine of estoppel does not apply because even if the Mayor did promise a copy of the letter, Complainant did not rely on that promise to his detriment.

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09-IB04 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Sussex County

Date Posted: Thursday, June 4th, 2009

Complainant asserts that County violated FOIA by charging an unreasonable amount for copies of text messages and emails which constitute approximately 1,180 pages. County requested a fee of $354 for paper copies and $227.12 for electronic copies on CD. HELD: Charge was reasonable and reasonably calculated.

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09-IB03 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Sussex County

Date Posted: Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

Complainant asserts that County violated FOIA by charging an unreasonable amount for copies of text messages and emails which constitute approximately 1,180 pages. County requested a fee of $354 for paper copies and $227.12 for electronic copies on CD. County also charged another person same amount for same FOIA request. HELD: Charge was reasonable and reasonably calculated. However, County cannot charge for both requests unless it incurs duplicate costs for retrieval.

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