22-IB25 07/20/2022 FOIA Opinion Letter to Janice Lorrah re: FOIA Complaint Concerning the Senate Elections & Government Affairs Committee
Petitioner alleged that the Senate Elections and Government Affairs Committee violated FOIA by holding a virtual meeting without an anchor location, voting outside the meeting, and removing her from the latter portion of this virtual meeting.
DECIDED: The majority of the Petition’s allegations are not appropriate for resolution. However, the Committee did not violate FOIA by holding a virtual meeting without an anchor location.
Read More22-IB24 07/11/2022 FOIA Opinion Letter to Jared T. Green re: FOIA Complaint Concerning the Delaware Department of Transportation
Petitioner alleged that DelDOT improperly denied his request under the pending or potential litigation exemption.
DECIDED: No FOIA violation occurred as alleged.
Read More22-IB23 07/07/2022 FOIA Opinion Letter to John Reiss re: FOIA Complaint Concerning the Town of Blades
Petitioner alleged that the Town of Blades violated FOIA by improperly charging fees related to his request and by failing to timely post a meeting notice and agenda on its website.
DECIDED: The Town violated FOIA with respect to its charges for the request, but the Town did not violate FOIA by posting its Town Council meeting notice and agenda on its website three days before the meeting.
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