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Delaware Department of Justice
Attorney General
Kathy Jennings

 Archived Posts From:  March 2010

10-IB03 RE: Freedom of Information Act Complaint Against Ocean View

Complainant asserts that town violated FOIA open meetings requirements related to (1) adequacy of notice of executive session on agenda; 92) exclusion of town manager from executive session and (3) whether matters discussed were appropriate for executive session. The agenda listed “Executive Session to Discuss Contract and Personnel Issues.” Complainant asserts that he believed the executive session topic related to the town manager employment contract. However, the executive session related to the Chief of Police contract. Agenda does not have to give full explanation of topics or names when confidential personnel matters will be discussed. HELD: Notice was adequate, employment contract negotiation matters are appropriate subject for executive session and FOIA does not address whether Counsel can exclude town manager from executive session.

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