
Delaware Department of Justice
Attorney General
Kathy Jennings

Criminal Division

Concealed Carry Deadly Weapons (CCDW)

Black FirearmDelaware Resident Permits To Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons

A Delaware resident desiring to carry a concealed deadly weapon in this state must have a Delaware license to do so. A Delaware resident is someone who carries or is required to have a Delaware driver’s license and/or is registered to vote in Delaware. If you have any questions concerning residency or the CCDW application process, please contact the DOJ Special Investigations Unit at (302) 577-8500.

Superior Court of the State of Delaware CCDW Application

Delaware Recognition of Permits By Other States To Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons Issued To Residents Of Other States

Delaware recognizes licenses or permits to carry concealed deadly weapons issued by other states to the citizens of other states where those states honor Delaware licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons, afford a reasonably similar degree of protection as is provided by licensure in Delaware, and do not evidence a pattern of issuing licenses or permits to convicted felons. Some states issue multiple levels of permits or licenses; only those meeting the above requirements will be recognized in Delaware and a notation of the recognized permits appears with the state below. For those states that issue licenses recognized by the State of Delaware,  Delaware will recognize both resident and a non-resident licenses.

Persons possessing a recognized license or permit to carry a concealed deadly weapon issued by one of the states listed may lawfully possess a concealed deadly weapon while in Delaware. Such persons are subject to and responsible for knowing and obeying all Delaware laws and regulations applicable to carrying or possessing of deadly weapons.

For the period from January 15, 2024 to January 15, 2025, Delaware recognizes the concealed deadly weapon licenses or permits issued by following states:

IDAHO (Enhanced Permits Only)

NORTH DAKOTA (Class 1 permits only)

SOUTH DAKOTA (Enhanced Permits Only)

This list is made available to all State and local law-enforcement agencies within the State of Delaware and any license or permit recognized below is valid for one year and will not be removed without one (1) year’s notice of impending removal and no sooner than January 15 of the calendar year following the expiration of this one-year period. Notice of impending removal will be provided to the state in question and will be posted to this site. There are currently no notices of pending removal that would take effect January 15, 2025.

Because of differences in the laws of the various states, it is possible that a person lawfully permitted or licensed to possess or carry a deadly weapon in another state may be prohibited from doing so in Delaware. The following persons are prohibited from possessing deadly weapons or ammunition in Delaware:

  • any person previously convicted of any felony
  • any person previously convicted of any misdemeanor involving physical injury to another or domestic violence, unless more than 5 years has elapsed from the date of the conviction
  • any person previously convicted of any crime involving the unlawful use, possession or sale of any illegal drug
  • any person who has not yet reached his or her 25th birthday who has been previously convicted as a juvenile of a crime which, if committed by an adult, would constitute a felony
  • any person who is subject to a Protection From Abuse Order issued by a competent court
  • any person who has previously been committed to a hospital or mental institution for treatment for a mental disorder

Other States’ Recognition Of Delaware Permits To Carry Concealed Issued to Delaware Residents

Delawareans who have a Delaware concealed deadly weapons permit may be able to possess a concealed deadly weapon while visiting or traveling through the states listed above, and also in Idaho, Indiana and Vermont. Delawareans who carry or possess a deadly weapon in another state are responsible for knowing and obeying all laws and regulations in the other state that apply to the carrying and possession of deadly weapons. Because of differences in the laws of the various states, it is possible that a person who is lawfully permitted to possess a deadly weapon pursuant to Delaware law may be prohibited from doing so in another state. Most states require any person who is carrying a concealed deadly weapon pursuant to a license or permit to also be in possession of the license or permit.

Law enforcement officials from other jurisdictions may verify Delaware CCDW permits by contacting the Delaware State Police Headquarters via NLET.AM directed to DEDSP0000 or by calling 302-659-2341.

Additional Notices Regarding Carry Concealed Permits

Possession of a deadly weapon, with or without a permit or license to carry such weapon concealed, by a person prohibited from doing so is a felony in Delaware.

Delaware law prohibits the possession of silencers, sawed-off shotguns and machine guns under all circumstances.

Please see Sections 1441 through 1461 of Title 11 of the Delaware Code for statutes addressing the use, possession, and carrying of deadly weapons in Delaware.

Page last updated July 15, 2020

Below you will find a list of firearms instructors that are currently recognized to teach the CCDW course in Delaware. This list will be used by the courts to verify instructors and for the general public to seek out an instructor who is authorized to teach the course.

List of Delaware Concealed Carry Deadly Weapons Course Instructors List Updated 02/28/2025


Delaware Concealed Carry of a Deadly Weapon (CCDW) applications are submitted through the Delaware Courts. Please refer to the Delaware Courts for instructions and requirements.

After submitting an application to the Court, the Department of Justice will review new CCDW or renewal applications and return them back to Court. This review typically takes a few weeks to complete.


If you are inquiring about the status of a Delaware Concealed Carry of a Deadly Weapon application, you may reach a DOJ CCDW Team member by telephone or e-mail.  The CCDW assistance line is available to leave a message. A team member will research the issue and contact you.  The team is also available to answer questions by email.

The inquiry line is (302) 577-5039. The email address is

When making an inquiry, please provide your name as it appears on the application, the county in which you applied, the year of your birth, and a telephone number to contact you. We will research the issue and respond back to you in a timely manner, during regular office hours.

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