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Delaware Department of Justice
Attorney General
Kathy Jennings

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware"

Information for Homeowners and Associations

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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Kent County

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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New Castle County

New Castle County enacted laws that apply only in New Castle County. These laws are in addition to the Delaware Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (“DUCIOA”). If there is a conflict with the DUCIOA, the New Castle County Law applies. New Castle County prepared the brochures listed below: Homeowners Association Manual This is a good […]

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Run a HOA Meeting

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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Services Available Through the Office of the Ombudsperson

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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Important Statutes

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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Additional Resources

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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What You Can Do

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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Office of the Ombudsperson for the Common Interest Community

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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Ombudsperson Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Delaware Department of Justice – Attorney General’s Office.

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